What I have learned...

Aaah, I took a nice little week-long vacation from being chained to the sewing machine, and it feels so good. But the gears have been a-turning and I am back with a crazy new idea I will detail in the next post.

Anywho, Me-Made-May is over, and it feels weird to be sitting here in something I did not make with my own two hands (although I did wear the sweater today). I feel like this month-long challenge has taught me an awful lot about myself, my style, and my ability to complete challenges. For one, I went into this not knowing anything about clothing construction, and now I have the confidence to sew anything I need to. I learned how to sew with knits and even shared what I learned in a tutorial, and I am now a master of the buttonhole setting on my machine as well. Granted I did not finish every project I set out to, but I am so happy with the way everything turned out that I am not going to stop making clothes any time soon.

The sweater was my biggest challenge, and my biggest accomplishment, and I honestly cannot believe I finished it on time. I thought I was going along at a good pace until it came down to the end of the month, and then I had to stay up until 3 a.m. two nights in a row to finish it. I usually get bored with big knitting or crochet projects and give up too soon, but since I was working under a tight schedule, I finished it before I could get bored! Lol. It was hard work, but so worth it - the sense of accomplishment, not to mention the sweater, feels great! And now that it is finished I can get my dressmaker's dummy!

Hopefully once she is in my possession I will get over my fear of sewing dresses and be able to better hone my seamstress skills. I also want to learn more about my personal style, since making your own clothing, in my eyes anyhow, is one of the purest expressions of who you are, taken with you all day for all the world to see. I have always had such eclectic tastes that I have a hard time pinning down exactly what my style is. One minute it is retro, the next Japanese, steampunk, pastoral, who knows. I want to.


  1. My sweater is not going well, it is lopsided and weird and something is going on with the sleeves. FAIL.

  2. Okay, I just come out and say it, "I'm much older than you", but wow, we have a lot in common, and I'm glad that knitting and other needle arts are not dying out, thanks to you and your followers.
    I love your blog and will become a follower. If you'd like you can be a follower on my blog (wink)-- it's so new and I have such a piddly amount of followers, but I LOVE my followers. Alright, that's enough for this comment. Keep up the great work!


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