Well, I've had one heck of a week. Last weekend Dennis and I went on vacation for our 6 month anniversary. We had the most wonderful time! We stayed in a B&B at the beach, pigged out on crab, swam in the ocean, did touristy stuff, all and all just had a romantic and relaxing weekend. Until the drive home... It was late at night and we were 2 exits away from home when I hit a wheel rim lying in the middle of the slow lane. I was only going about 40 because everyone in front of me was slowing down, then the guy in front of me zipped into the other lane and I saw it... I checked my mirrors and there were cars to the left and behind, and a wall to the right with no shoulder because we were on an overpass. Dad always taught me not to swerve, so I just hit it. Sparks were flying out the back of the car and we ground to a hault at the top of the bridge. I turned the car off and put the hazards on and called 911. It seemed like forever until the cops got there. It was so scary because