Happy Blogiversary to me!

Hello everyone! Today I have been blogging for five years, can you believe it? Gee whiz, aren't you sick of me and my shenanigans by now? (I sure hope not!) Anywho, in honor of my half-decade of chronicling my crafts, I want to give away a custom owl pincushion! (My first owl pincushions ever!) The owl pincushion was the thing that inspired me to start blogging, crafting more, and selling on etsy, so I thought it would be nice to give one all this time later. I have some on my unfinished projects list, so this will just have to be lumped in there with those. That doesn't count, right (shhh!)? If you win, we will work out what fabrics you like and I will make a special owl for you complete with custom pins. To enter, just leave a comment in this post any time between now and Monday, August 2nd at 8 p.m PST. Good luck everyone, and thank you all so much for reading this thing! *If you would like to sign up for the Finish It challenge, you can e-mail me at ohthecuteness@hotmail.co...