Weird Hat

Alrighty, I have been sticking to my plan of finishing old projects and this is the first one I did, my weird kitty/Yoda hat. I picked it back up in this state:

It is knit from Lion Brand organic cotton on size 8 needles (yes, I know that is waaaay too small for this semi-chunky yarn but they were yellow and looked so pretty as I was knitting :P). I started a crocheted kitty had a while ago but crocheted hats never seem to turn out right for me, so I decided to abandon it (added it to the list), and finish this one instead. This started out as one of those "I love this yarn but have no idea what to do with it" kind of projects. I cast on a multiple of three stitches and set to work making a diagonal 3x3 rib stitch. I was hoping to get a short scarf but since my needles were too small and I cast on too many stitches I ended up with a longish rectangle.

I did not want to go buy more yarn so I decided to add an inch of rib stitch in the white version of the same yarn to each end and sew up the sides to make a hat. I knew it would look like ears because I have seen the same rectangular hats made from fleece. So now I have a Yoda hat I guess. The only admissible places I could think to wear this to would be a cosplay event or Japantown, both of which I frequent, so at least it will probably get some use.

In other news, you may have noticed I gave my blog a face-lift a couple days ago. It sure needed it, I love this new blogger template designer and I used Picnik for the banner. I realized that my 5th blogiversary is coming up and I want to do another giveaway, though not as big as last year's since I am not playing catch-up, on the 31st so stay tuned!

*Don't forget, if you would like to join this challenge, go join the flickr group here. Also, you can leave a comment stating you would like to join on this post. And visit my list of unfinished projects here. And see the full list of people determined to finish projects with links to their blogs here.


  1. If your giveaway "prize" is 20 unfinished projects a) that is so cheating and b) remind me not to enter

  2. Lol, I laughed so hard when I read this - you found me out.

  3. Ha, I like it! The built-in "ears" are cute, and it's a great color. :)

  4. Anonymous10:08 PM

    love your blog! Did you make those mushrooms on the header? Sooo cute!!!!

  5. Lol, thanks guys!!
    And yes, I made those mushrooms last Christmas, but I have seen many other people who made similar ones before me.


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