Cyber Monday Sale!
This time of year is a stressful one for me, mostly because I'm so busy but also because I have so many people to buy presents for and cash is always tight. And I know I'm not the only one out there who feels this way. So I'm having a Cyber Monday sale in my Etsy shop ! Everything is 30% off , just use the coupon code CYBERMON during checkout! Not only does it help people save money on their holiday gifts, but it also helps me buy my family's gifts, so everybody wins! And to sweeten the deal, my 100% biodegradable moustache straws are back in stock! Also, and this is our little secret, I'm giving blog readers free shipping too! Enter the coupon code BLOGMON in addition to CYBERMON and there you go! The 30% off coupon went out with my newsletter, which you can subscribe to by entering your email on my sidebar, but the free shipping is to say thank you to everyone who makes this blog worth writing! Happy holidays! If you have any questions or need help using