Ikea Hack Ironing Board!

Well, I've got some sewing projects in the works, and some very wrinkly pieces of fabric that needed ironing. But I have no ironing board, nor do I have much space to set one up. I've been scheeming this little beauty for quite some time now:It's a small rotating ironing board made from a large lazy susan I got at Ikea! I got the idea from Ikea Hacker via Whipup. But appearantly the original idea came from a blog called Redwork in Germany. This is such a fun idea; it's small enough to fit on my desk and since it swivels you don't have to keep repositioning the fabric. It works just as well with a full size iron as it does with the Clover Mini-Iron. Over at Redwork, they gathered the material around the turntable and secudred it with a drawstring. Not being all that patient, I just took a half yard of fabric, cut it in half (the resulting square is the perfect size for the large turntable), cut a piece of needlepunch batting to the same size and took the staple gun to it all.Upholstering something is way easier than most people think, you just have to make sure you pull everything tight. It helps to hammer down the staples afterwards, then just trim off the excess fabric and voila!
Oh, by the way, check out my awesome new sewing scissors! I have a good pair already, but how could I pass up ones covered in skulls? How?! And the fabric, of course, is from Superbuzzy. <3


  1. Very clever idea. I need to make one of these!

  2. It's really increasing my desire to iron things, lol! And now my mom wants one for Christmas... I can't decide which fabric to use for hers though!

  3. Where did you get these scissors? I have to get a pair.

  4. I found them at a JoAnn's fabrics in Hayward.

  5. lost in transition....your board looks cute but!! your needlepunch batting is not heatresistant. I really recommend re-using an ironingboard cover or batting like Insul~Bright (don't know another brand but I am there are). You will want to use a hot iron on it and the IKEA "lazy susan" is made of wood...!!!

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

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