Days Thirteen, Fourteen, and Fifteen.
Well, I wore the exact same outfits as days eleven and twelve for days thirteen and fourteen, and then I wore the same outfit from day seven for day fifteen. So instead of boring you with more of the same, I thought this would be a good time for a sweater update!

I am making really good progress on my sweater, and as you can see I have finished increasing for the shoulders and am now working on the sleeves. I mostly only work on it during my commute and at S&B. With the amount of knitting I have done right now, I think it is very possible I will meet my goal of finishing it by the end of the month.
The color is weird in these pictures, but I really am loving the way this yarn looks knit up. I hope this will fit the way I envision so I will wear it a lot. I dig the diagonal raglan shoulder seams, which appeared magically as I knitted along. I also love my funny stitch - a lot of people tell me I knit differently than most, and my stitches get an interesting twist because of the way I wrap my yarn. Whatever works is good enough for me at this point, and I like that my sweater will have a unique texture. Now I just have to keep my fingers crossed that the darn thing will fit when I am done!
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