Slow going.

Wondering what is going on with my Me-Made-May progress? Well, that makes two of us. I cannot believe it is almost the end of the month! The first week just went so slowly and then everything went into hyper drive. I have been wearing the same few outfits almost every day except laundry day. I find that the jeans, sweater, car shirt, and first shirt do not get as much wear as everything else, and no, the cape and bag remain in their unfinished state even as I use them every day. Yes, I am still staying committed to my challenge, but progress on new items has slowed on making new pieces mostly because of this:

I am attempting to make a fitted button down shirt... Oy Vay. I am using Butterick pattern number 6085 and this is the first thing I have sewn from a pattern in who knows how long, and I think I am a bit rusty. Not to mention the fact that I HATE sewing patterns. They take so long, and I am much more of an instant-gratification kind of person, obviously. First you have to cut the pattern out, then trace the pattern, then adjust the fit (had to go up one size for the bust and lengthen it a bit), then retrace the pattern, then cut that out and trace it onto fabric, then there are sort of well illustrated but slightly inane instructions to follow. Ugh. But, I must say this may turn out to be a successful attempt, and I am almost finished except for the sleeves (which turned out waaay too big), hemming, and buttons. The fabric is a slightly stretchy, heavier poly blend that I got for $1.50 a yard at the dreaded Wal-Mart. I know, I know, but look at what else I got for the same price per yard:

I couldnt help myself! Dennis was going there for cheap shoes, and the shoe section was right next to the craft section, and one thing led to another. Luckily he was there to stop me before I got any more. These are all going to be dresses, and I got a lot of the grey to make muslins. The top one is navy and off white jersey knit, but not very stretchy. And the bottom one is a bit darker blue than the picture came out. It looks very vintage, but is probably just low quality, but I think it will make a fabulous kimono dress.

So yes, I am going to start making dresses, which is the most intimidating thing in the world to me, which is why I saved it for last. I think it worries me just because it is a lot of fabric and time to waste if I screw it up. Also, fitting is an issue for me having a 45, 37, 45 figure. No patterns are made like that it seems. I bought the Built By Wendy book on dresses and I absolutely love it except for the fact that the pattern sizes only go up to 40, and I am a 45. It seems to be much this way with every book and I am not confident in my ability to expand them to fit me, but darn it I am going to try.

For the last few days of the month I am going to focus on finishing my sweater on time so I can complete my challenge and buy my dressmakers dummy. Then I will have a much easier time making pretty dresses when I can fit them on a form instead of stabbing myself with pins. I have been knitting every second I can and I have one ball of yarn left to knit up. It will be so nice to be able to do other things when I am done. I am not going to stop making clothes any time soon, but I may take a little time to finish up a quilt or two whilst waiting for my dummy.


  1. The shirt looks awesome (and challenging)...looking forward to how it comes out.

  2. Woo hoo! Nice fabric and great plans. You seriously deserve your new dummy for all your handmade efforts this month, and for being such a motivational force during Me-Made-May! Now May is over, will we get to see a pick of you in the tunic I made? I'd love to see it in action! Happy sewing Chase


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