Me-Made-May, Day One.

And there you have it folks. One nice and comfy top completed earlier this week, one steampunk skirt from earlier this year, and a half-finished tote bag. Funny story about that actually. Last night I was seriously falling asleep on the way home from work because of all the 2 a.m. sewing stints, so I decided to take a nap and get up later that night to finish some sewing and do some cleaning since my sister came to visit today. But, of course, I slept like a rock through my alarm going off every 5 minutes and awoke promptly at 6 a.m. thismorning. I got up and cleaned the house as well and as fast as I could, and then I made the bag you see above in 20 minutes flat. I needed a purse for today so I just did basic structural sewing, and I will show it off more once I line it and put a closure on it, and I will probably gusset the corners too.

And for the cold weather, a new scarf I finished last week at the knit group and a very-nearly-completed cape. I just need to add a mandarin collar to it and then I will show it off more as well. I still love the way the steampunk skirt converts into a long version for warmth.

And yes, I did start the sweater today, even if the progress is less than I would have liked. Let's hope I can finish it by the end of the month, I really want my dressmaker's dummy!


  1. That skirt is A-mazing.

  2. I love the skirt - did you post about its construction? And, how you wear even halfway finished things - we shouldn't take ourselves too seriously, right?

  3. The skirt is amazing!

  4. What an awesome idea! A skirt that you can customise to reflect the temperature, genius! Happy MMM!

  5. Anonymous5:01 PM

    please show the cape when the colar is done :)

  6. Thanks everyone. I never did post about how I made the skirt, but it is really simple. Since everyone likes it so much I guess I will have to go into more detail, yes? Just know that I saw a pic of it on flickr and deduced how to make it for myself, so it is not my original idea.

  7. I love the skirt too :) Looking forward to reading more about it!


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