Something new.

I have a big announcement this week - I've moved house! Johnny asked me to move in with him in his lovely home in Campbell about two months ago and I gladly accepted. He's been so sweet and I feel right at home. While I was working on the monstrous chuppah project we were slowly but surely dismantling my old apartment and moving it south carload by carload. I've been relatively settled for a couple weeks now, and am nearly done with my new creative space (photos to come), which means I'll be crafting like crazy soon enough!
In my old place I had to have my bedroom and crafting space in one room, and it never quite came together the way I wanted it to. And working lots of hours for other creative people was awesome but between that and commuting down to be with Johnny I had little time left for my own creative pursuits. Even though I know I'll miss a lot of things about Oakland, Campbell is lovely and I'm so happy to be with Johnny more. Also, I work for a friend in Emeryville every Tuesday and get to go to my Stitch & Bitch group in the evening  (which has always been my main source of social interaction besides the occasional soiree on the weekends), so hopefully they won't miss me too much ^_~.
Having to work out of the house only one day a week has freed up my schedule for things I never had a lot of time for, and while I'm planning to spend most of my time crafting, I've been enjoying a bit of a vacation. One thing I want to start doing now is take a little more time getting fancy. So on Fridays I'll be doing a post about my effort to learn to do hair, makeup, and be fashionable. The photo above is a sneak peek of this week's post. Wish me luck!


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