Fancy Friday #3 - Remembering Grandma Gloria

Instead of my usual Fancy Friday post, I wanted to take a moment to talk about a special lady. My grandma Gloria passed away last Friday, so needless to say I was in no mood to get fancy or do a photo shoot. She was 91 years old and had a stroke a couple months back that left her mostly paralyzed, and she had another a few days before she passed away that left her in a coma till the end. She was a very special lady and will be sorely missed by everyone who knew her.

Almost two years ago we all got together to celebrate her 90th birthday party in southern California and it was a wonderful event, and I'm so very glad I took the time to travel there as it was the last time I saw her. A lot of people in my family say I take after her and I like to think it's true. I don't know if she ever knew it, but having people tell me that I was most like her out of all the kids and grandkids was always a major point of pride for me. She was always so positive, sharp as a tack, and sweet as could be. Not to mention she was fancy! I'll never forget that she loved bright colors, floral motifs, and beautiful gold jewelry with lots and lots of gemstones. Her hair and makeup were always so perfectly done, even when her eyesight started to get bad. And she always sent me a birthday and Christmas card every single year, perfectly on time and covered in her beautiful handwriting. She was a lovely, fancy lady and I'd be more than happy to turn out like her as I get older. I'll miss her with all my heart. <3 p="">


  1. I must have missed this weeks Friday post , just saw the post and i have to agree with you, we will miss her allot sweet !


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