
Showing posts from March, 2010

Elvis Cake!

Last week I made an epic cake to share with my friends. It's called Elvis cake because his favorite sandwich was supposedly peanut butter and banana and this cake is based on that. It's three layers of banana bread, filled with peanut butter and bananas and iced in dark chocolate icing. Oh yes. I had it for the first time at an organic grocery store near my work and I have not seen it since, so I decided to make my own. I highly recommend this cake to anyone who likes pb&b sandwiches, it is guaranteed to please. Also, it was one of the easiest layer cakes I have ever made, because the banana bread is dense and easy to handle (it didn't even really need a crumb coat when I iced it), and the filling is a no-fuss affair. It is best eaten with a glass of ice cold milk while listening to Elvis records with your friends! When we ate the cake, we all agreed that it needed more filling than I had originally put in, so I have adjusted the recipe accordingly. Elvis Cake Ingredien

I think I am turning into a hippy...

Not that I wasn't a bit of a hippy to begin with (mom was a hippy and raised me as such, though I never did like brown rice, lol), but lately I have been getting very serious about greening this house and everything in it. Which is great, because not only does it save the environment, but most of the time it saves me serious money too. I have been getting more and more ambitious with my efforts this year as opposed to the last couple... It started off pretty slowly when we moved into our current apartment; all the light bulbs were immediately replaced with energy-efficient ones, then we stated making paper out of our junk mail, and then we started a little garden and a compost bin, and got a reduced water shower head (which is the best thing ever because the shower stays hot forever). That was about it for the first couple of years. But this year I kicked it into overdrive: I swore off grocery bags and have been bringing my own everywhere, I bought eco-friendly organic cotton/h


Well, I did it: I conquered my fear of trying to draw something on the computer. I got a Spoonflower account and just did this simple little pattern: I am in love with this fabric. I have always been on the lookout for a simple mushroom fabric like this and it has always eluded me. Not bad for a first try on a cheap-o version of Photoshop. The colors and sizing are just what I wanted, except for a small problem that is easily fixable: See the little red line? That happened because I tried to do a kind of half-drop repeat on my own without having a clue what I was doing. This was, of course, before I realized that the website will do that for you. So I am going to fix it and re-upload the file and probably blow twenty bucks on a yard of this stuff. I want an apron and a purse out of it, and then I want to make some things for etsy with it too, but that will be later on. My little pile of stuff to list on etsy is growing and growing, but I have so many projects to finish that I cannot f