
Well, I did it: I conquered my fear of trying to draw something on the computer. I got a Spoonflower account and just did this simple little pattern:

I am in love with this fabric. I have always been on the lookout for a simple mushroom fabric like this and it has always eluded me. Not bad for a first try on a cheap-o version of Photoshop. The colors and sizing are just what I wanted, except for a small problem that is easily fixable:

See the little red line? That happened because I tried to do a kind of half-drop repeat on my own without having a clue what I was doing. This was, of course, before I realized that the website will do that for you. So I am going to fix it and re-upload the file and probably blow twenty bucks on a yard of this stuff. I want an apron and a purse out of it, and then I want to make some things for etsy with it too, but that will be later on. My little pile of stuff to list on etsy is growing and growing, but I have so many projects to finish that I cannot find the time to list all of it. It is a vicious cycle! But I am thoroughly enjoying myself all the same, and that is what is important.

In other news, Dennis is all moved in and it is going well. The cats have adjusted relatively well, except little miss Precious keeps picking fights with Kyoto and harassing him to no end when they are in the same room together. I feel bad for him because I thought he would be mean to the other cats but he has been very well behaved - he and the other male cat, Buddy, get along just fine - but Precious has turned out to be a little tyrant! Oh well, hopefully she will learn to tolerate him someday. I am off to work in the garden today; it has been nice and sunny but very cold here the past couple of days, so I hope the plants will not get a chill at night. Wish me luck!


  1. I love that mushroom fabric! Sometimes simple is exactly the way to go. :)


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