How-Tuesday #30!

Hi everyone! It is How-Tuesday again! This week I have found for you a necklace tutorial, laundry detergent powder, and a recipe for Coca-Cola cupcakes!

I have a necklace just like this in yellow with faux pearls instead of marbles and I paid like 40 bucks for it! Should have found this sooner... Here is the tutorial.

I love making cleaners and such at home, and this powdered laundry soap looks much easier to make than the liquid version. Here is the recipe/tutorial.

These cupcakes look amazing, and they are made with Coke to give the chocolate cake a richer flavor, and whipped cream frosting. I think I would like to try them with whipped marshmallow frosting some time. Check out the recipe here.


  1. Anonymous2:12 PM

    How funny I am making over my food scrapbook as i speak...thanks for the tip...m

  2. Anonymous6:12 AM

    your liquid cleaner is awsome and it smells so should sell it at your shop :) on etsy...


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