Home is where you make it.

So I know you all got a glimpse of the new apartment during our housewarming party post here, but I have been meaning to take more pictures of it in a less-crazy-and-crowded state. Now, I know what everyone really wants to see is the craft room/office space, but its just not quite finished yet. In reality, I know most of the house is not really "finished"; we still have a lot of pictures to hand and such, but it is close enough for now. So here in this half-assed-house-tour is the living room and kitchen!

 Big red leather couches and the bay window. That bookshelf is 1/2 craft books and 1/2 cook books. There are little wall sconces that light up all over the living room.
 Can we say built-ins! I was sold on this place the moment I saw them. Only thing I don't really like is that big black heater sticking out from the non-functioning fireplace in the lower right. I know they lake decorative covers for them but it already sticks out so far. Any suggestions?
Okay, I know this is goofy but it is one of my favorite things. Well, the mushrooms obviously are a motif that thrives throughout the house and if you look closely I think you can see one in almost every picture. But this little photo is of Dennis and his brother. He is the little one, and he still makes that face.
On the built-ins, the record player and grandma Renee on the left, great grandma Lometa (my middle-namesake) on the right.
The record collection and more mushrooms! The boxes house all of my camera supplies.
Poetry, scary stories, the camera collection, rock/seashell collection, and my Re-Ment kitchen!
Yes, I know, I am perpetually 4 years old.
And a secretary! My life is complete.
Our little dining nook. I have some funny little garlands I want to hang in the kitchen some time soon, but my vintage apron collection adds plenty of color for now. I stole the valance idea from the interwebs. We are still looking for a nice little wooden dining table with some drop-leaf action going on, so until then the lawn furniture will have to do!
My favorite built-in in the house! I am so glad I can finally display all my cool old kitchen stuff. I just wish the kitchen cbinets had glass doors because I have tons of cool stuff in them too!
The fridge magnet collection lives on from the last apartment, and it just keeps growing. The bottom half of the fridge is completely covered in magnetic poetry. Always inappropriate of course.
I have to say I think the kitchen is my favorite room in the house. I put the cup hooks in and I love seeing my mug collection. I also love letting people pick their favorite mugs when I make tea.
I don't know if the pictures do justice to how huge the kitchen is, but all in all between the massive amounts of storage space, gas stove, and granite countertops, I am spoiled!
And to complete the tour, our little hallway of art. And yes, that is Dennis' young face badly photoshopped onto a felt poster of Conan, and a picture of Elvira signed to me. This is home. I wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. Anonymous1:21 PM

    You are the coolest lady. Your home definitely mirrors your mature, quirky sense of style :)

  2. Holy Crap!! Can I live there with you?!? I'm in love with all of your built-in's! You truly found an amazing gem to live in and how you've decorated/displayed all your fun stuff would keep me blissfully entertained looking at it all with a cup of tea =D

  3. Aww thanks you guys!

  4. Anonymous11:44 AM

    so organized!!! this must be why you have not called me back LOL...:) m

  5. Your milk glass is wonderful!

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