Little Farm

Up in the hills above Berkeley there's a myriad of family attractions to go see, including a giant old-fashioned carousel hidden in the woods, a natural history and conservation museum, and great hiking trails, not to mention the beautiful views you get to see on the way up. I'd never taken the trek up the long, windy, wooded roads before, but last week a dear friend asked me to go. Unfortunately the carousel and museum are closed during the week, but we got to take in the view of the bay and the sunshine and fresh air, and we got to roam the Little Farm. It's exactly what the name says - a sweet little farm tucked away in the woods, and it's a great place to take your kids to learn about good farming practices or just enjoy feeding and petting them.

 When I was a child I wanted to be a farmer. For real. And it was a long time before the dream died when I learned about big agriculture destroying the family farm. But the new local- and slow-food movements have raised awareness and the small farm is coming back into favor, so who knows, maybe someday I will get my farm. Until then I know where I can go to feed miner's lettuce to friendly black sheep and watch the wild turkeys strut their stuff. If I had a church this would be it.

There's more to see on my flickr, here.


  1. I love Berkeley! Haven't been there in a million years. Funny how big ag destroyed the family farm (well most of them) but now big ag is destroying itself. You can't be selfish 100% of the time and not have it catch up with you. Everything about family farms just feels right too. So glad people are waking up. Can't wait to have some animals at the farm :)

  2. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I could see you having a small farm and selling some artesian type food products HERE IN CA... for real !

    please invite me when you get it...

    LOL...MOM :)

  3. Seriously Leslie, you and your family are my heroes! When will you be getting animals?! And what kinds? I've always wanted at least goats and chickens.
    And thanks mom, you know I'll have one someday!

  4. Well I have never been a hero before so that is sweet! We are really interested in heritage breeds of chickens and I would like to do quails because they don't take up a lot of space and my family loves quail eggs. I would like to do dairy goats but we will see. We talk about horses so we can ride around in a wagon. My family thinks we are joking but it will probably happen someday...soon. Lol!

  5. Cute, I've been meaning to get out there.

  6. @Leslie: Ooh quails! They're so cute, my mom loves them so much. That would be lovely.
    @Carolyn: We should go some time and stop by the carousel that's out there with Frankie!


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