New Toys...

Well, I had to work yesterday (normally my day off), so I had no time this week at all for crafting. And I just realized I forgot to take pictures of the cute zip pouches I made for all the giveaway winners. Oh well, they will get a surprise then! I worked yesterday because my bosses opened the new toy store in San Francisco! So yes, finally I am taking Bart/Buses to work in the city! It's an amazing shop, full of life and color, and in a really great neighborhood to boot! We are on the corner of Fillmore and Lombard streets, so come by and say hello if you are in the area!

Another big announcement is that I finally got a record player! I have been wanting one for a very long time, and this one was brand new on Amazon for $40.00 plush shipping! It reminds me of the one my parents had when I was a kid. It's very compact, actually smaller than a 48 record so that the top has cut-outs where the record sticks out as it plays. Very simple, no-frills, with built-in speakers (though I connected my good speakers from my rarely-used old stereo), and a radio. I adore it! Every record shop around here has miles and miles of one-dollar-record bins, and I found out that you can use a cable with a headphone jack on each end and some free software to transfer the music to a digital format. Woot! So anywho...

The first brand new record I bought was Lisa Hannigan. She is amazing, and it has become the record I listen to over and over again while I'm crafting. Watch her cute music video for "I don't know" here. If you haven't heard of her, she's a crafty girl as well and her album art was all hand-stitched and knitted by her, and her music videos have very artsy-craftsy themes too. And her music is right up my alley; slightly folksy and extremely cute and romantic, I would say she's the adorable daughter of Feist and Glen Hassard, if that makes any sense. And when I bought this record ( it was only twelve bucks - Oh Amazon how I love thee), sure enough it's a nice 120-gram and it came with a full CD of the album! I put it on my computer already, but I don't think I need both, so I thought we could play a game and the winner can have the CD!

Here's my idea: I have yet to give a "nickname" to the record player. My sewing machine's nickname is a string of obscenities, and the vintage machine I have yet to get fixed up is called "the Buick". So, leave me your idea for what to name my new record player and whoever comes up with the best one will get the CD! I'll keep the contest going for a week, or until I find one I like, whichever is longest!

*Edited to add: So far we have the Duke, Jukie, and Lola. Any favorites?


  1. i remember the record player from my childhood. mom and dad had one! lots black records were sitting in my old room, but after renovated the house lots old stuff were cleaned out! Enjoy your new toy!!!

    by the way....
    Thank you SOOOOOOO much for the give away.. it arrived this morning and i just did the blog about it, please take a peek if you have time.

    everything is great!!! i love everything you made and the hand written card you wrote to me!

    thanks agian~

    ^_____________^*** chase

  2. I actually love your profile, its soooooo good, keep up the good work!

  3. Don't know if I'm too late for the "name your record player" contest but how about Vickie (short for Victrola)?

    Cheryl S.

  4. Well, Cheryl, since you are the only one thus far who has participated in the game, I will happily send the CD your way if you want it! Let me know! As far as the name goes, I am still torn!


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