First Friday Art Night

On the first Friday of every month all of the galleries in downtown Oakland have opening receptions for the new artists they're showing. It's a super-fun, super-crowded, super-crazy event that Angela and I try to go to every month, and we try to drag as many people along with us as we can. We usually end up getting separated by the end of the night because there's just so much to see and so many people. It starts at 6:00 p.m. and goes until 9:00 or 10:00 depending on the gallery. A great place to start is Mamabuzz Cafe on Telegraph to grab a chai latte and then you can snake your way through downtown from there. So all you locals should check it out next month, it's something to see and I'm sure you'll be addicted to it after you go once. Check out the official website at


  1. Looks like some neat stuff this time. Anything else you found imopressive but don't have a photo of?

  2. Hi Chase! Congrats to you and your roommate- you won the Earth Hour Give Away at ReLove Projects! Could you email me your address at, and I'll send you your prize :). Thanks for commenting, and thanks for being so crazy about recycling!

  3. Anonymous10:07 PM

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  4. sounds and looks like a lot of fun


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