Very Nearly Done...

Finals week and spring break are fast approaching, and I'm so happy to be done with this quarter, though I will desperately miss my bookmaking class. It's not offered again until fall next year, I can't wait to get back in. This is the only art class I've wanted to go into the advanced part of. I think my final project may be too ambitious, as always, but I'm sure I'll get it done. I have some nice new journals for sale in my shop, as well as a paper crane mobile and some more funny plush animals. The house is such a mess between my art stuff and all the things I'm listing for my shop and my mom's. I can't wait for mom to make her first sale on Quirky Bindi, I know it's going to happen any time now. Right now in the crafting lineup are: the zakka purses I talked aobut a while ago (having some trouble attaching the bottoms; I get frustrated and my mind wanders...), a clutch purse, barettes made from vintage buttons, billions of custom orders, more journals, and the list goes on. The living room looks like a craft store exploded in here, so I guess the thing that should be at the top of my list is to get this place organized again. I can't seem to get anything done when my life and my livingroom is so cluttered. It'll help me finish my final projects too, so off I go to put all my crap away! Huzzah!


  1. Hi! I just bought the cool crochet hook from QuirkyBindi! Hope it's your mom's! I can't wait to try it out!

  2. Yup, that's my mom's creation. She loves using wooden crochet hooks because it feels like she's "channeling the ancestors" lol. I'll ship it out quickly and I sure hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Hello! I felt so much better about my clutter and accumulation of crafting supplies when I read this! (check out my latest blog, also relevant to the subject).
    On a different note: I took a private bookbinding class at a paper store, which got me through when my college didn't offer what I wanted. I didn't receive school credit but I did learn a lot and filled the void. Just an idea!

  4. Hey, that's not a bad idea Anne! You would not believe the accumulation of craft supplies I have in this little apartment. My boyfriend's such a sweetie about it too! But I have been going through them, especially my jewelry making stuff, and listing things on my shop and they've been selling like hotcakes! It's slow progress, but it's still progress.


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