It's all about the results.

Recently I've gone through quite a few changes job-wise and I realized the other day that I haven't even shared what's been going on with me, and what has been causing some of my absence on here. Where should I start...

Well, I finally couldn't hack my commute out to the toy store in San Francisco anymore, and Dennis and I wanted to go to Portland for Christmas this year, which my boss would never have let me do. So the winds of change came blowing my way and I gave my notice after I got a part-time gig at a scrapbooking store in Berkeley and a couple ongoing freelance gigs. This was at the end of September, and all was well until a couple months later when I was spectacularly laid off from my really fun position at the scrapbooking store. But the funny thing is, I wasn't really all that broken up about it. Granted, I honestly enjoyed the job and it was a source of endless inspiration; I learned a lot of new techniques and had fun starting to make a scrapbook. But the pay was pretty low, and I found myself wanting to cut my hours back and pick up more freelance gigs and focus more on my own stuff. (Not to mention it was very tempting to spend all my money on their wonderful products.)

I had quit the toystore in hopes of working part time for someone and spending the bulk of my time crafting for myself, but I ended up working a full-time schedule between everything. Now after being laid off I feel like the universe is trying to tell me something and I better listen. So instead of moping about or starting a job hunt, I worked extra hard on my displays and products for the RAC craft fair I sold at on the 1st and 2nd of December. And the result was more amazing than I ever could have dreamed...

This year I shared a booth with my friend Suzanne from my S&B group, and Errol of Metaphor Organic (I did the photography for their new website!), whom I met at A Fair to Remember. Oh! That reminds me I never posted pictures from the very last one. Next time... Anywho...

Suzanne, of course, made gorgeous knitwear. I couldn't resist trading for a pair of sparkly pink, purple, and black fingerless gloves. Very Madonna. She is the undisputed goddess of knitting in our little group.

In addition to the must-have owl pincushions and the new owl plushies I made some great crocheted wrap bracelets which were quite popular, a couple little mushroom and bird ornaments, and the real stars of the show, my fascinators and feather hair clips...

These babies were just flying off my table! I made more money at this fair than I have ever made before, and I feel like I've found a new niche. For the first time the dream of paying rent and bills from things I've made myself seemed like more than just a dream. So for now I'm freelancing and making stuff, and not being a wage slave to the man! Wish me luck... Gulp... Anywho...
A few years ago I found I had amassed quite an odd collection of craft supplies that were best suited to 3D collage or shrines, but when I started combining them with beautiful feathers and putting them on headbands they became these super fun and quirky accessories. I made 4 all that time ago, and I ended up giving 3 away, as people would come over and try them on and fall in love, and keeping one for myself. I wear it all the time still, as it looks great for getting fancy and when you just want to dress up jeans and a tee. And I think that's what people like about them. Honestly, even after people liked the first round I was a little apprehensive as to whether or not these would sell. I was afraid people just wouldn't get it, but boy was I wrong. I took these pictures right before the fair started and I had no time to take anymore! I made about 12 or 14 ranging in price from 15-40 dollars, most being about 30-35. The first day of the fair, which was only a half day, I had sold more than half, so I stayed up really late that night making 6 more which I sadly didn't get to photograph - they sold too fast!

Each of the headbands are one of a kind and use a combination of vintage and new millinery, trinkets, and metal bits. The batch I made for the second day were all very steampunk and I'm so sad I have no pictures to show. The first one above I called the Christmas Goose, and it was very theatrical with curly goose feathers for the base and two mid-size white feathers sticking out to one side on the top, laser-cut wooden leaves, and a little moss bird's nest. The second one was called the Winter Woodland and was made from 100% vintage goodies (except the headband), the star of which is that beautiful brass bow. I've seen these big ones done on clips before but I prefer the headbands because for one, no matter how long your hair is you can rock it, for two it's super easy to throw on and wears almost like a hat, and for three they are super comfy. I'm picky about my headbands and these kind are the best - very flexible, large, and they have a bit of padding on the ends.

The first one here was my favorite, and I was secretly hoping it wouldn't sell so I could keep it and of course it was the one that sold first! I called it the Pheasant Hunt because of the base feathers, and the orange ones are vintage, and the berries as well. I found the pinecones at my parents house, and the amazing little coque feathers sticking off the top looked like antennae and made me so happy! I topped it off with a solid brass stereo knob. The second one is called Fruits of the New Year and had a vintage German feather pad, faux fruits, and velvet leaves.

The first one here was called the Happy Holiday and was the most Christmas-y by far. All vintage/found objects on this one, with a real pinecone. And lastly, the Steampunk Debutante, which I think speaks for itself!

I also made a ton of clips (And I made the cool magnet board and headband holder covered with blue Dupioni silk, so fancy!), using vintage trinkets, bowties, and feathers. I called them "Whimsical Holiday Finery" for the Christmas fair, but I have recently restocked my supplies to make a whole new batch and needed a name. When people ask me to describe these I always find myself using the word "theatrical", so I'm calling them "Whimsical Theatrical Finery", which does double duty in its shortened form, WTF. As in, "WTF is on your head!?" Perfecto. I will do a post when I have the new batch ready to go into the shop!


  1. Wishing you luck!! Follow your dream! :) :) :)

  2. Fabulous! (I concur with the bestowing of the knit goddess title!) I can't wait til I can get one of the fascinators :oD

  3. coolest people ever? indeed.

  4. Anonymous7:47 AM

    it's all so creative... and fun !
    looks great ... like you had lots of fun doing the show ! good luck with all your new ventures...m


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