My New Craft Room!

Welcome to the most image-heavy post on Earth! I wanted to share a complete 360 degree tour of my new craft space that I finished setting up last week! It's my favorite place in the whole world and I know it's the perfect place to inspire me to get creative! Here we go:

When you first walk in the door, this is what you see! In July I'm picking up a jeweler's bench from my dad's old workshop that will sit next to the long desk in the center of the photo. Paper lantern lights and garlands are all over the ceiling and I'll add to them over time I'm sure.

I hung up every piece of art I had (well, actually I have others but they're hard to find frames for), plus some childhood trinkets to make a huge wall of art!

Local artists, friends' work, and random vintage pieces galore!

My wall pocket from jfish designs! The original plants got smushed in the move so I repotted some other succulents and a moose!

Ganesha was the first thing I put up. That's my grandma's portrait above him.

A skeleton I've had since I was little from Mexico, my mother's photos below it.

My high school first place medal and placard in table setting and menu planning from FHA-HERO! Woot! Plus a portrait of my from my friend Aubrey Hebert.
My great-grandma Lometa's portrait! She's where my middle name comes from.

My standing desk, made from 2 Ikea flat files and a 7 foot long drawer unit I got from Lea of Leafcutter Designs. I know us crafters tend to sit around a lot and this behemoth comes up to my waist so I can use it standing up. Tons of art supplies occupy the containers on the top.

The flat files are all super organized and labeled with washi tape!

More office-y goodness!

This is the new machine I got for Christmas, and it's amazing! I never realized how bad my old one was. The desk it's on is one I found for $5 at an antique shop in Oakland, and it has a fold out top and an awesome vintage machine inside, but that's a whole other story...

 My vintage tin collection (just the reds) houses supplies.

 German paper wings from my beau!

 Johnny had this immaculate old Singer in his garage when I met him (yup, it was love), and he moved it up here for me to admire.

An antique dish rack holds my magazines under the Singer.

 My other desk, used for shipping and such. My laptop usually sits in front of the typewriter.

 My washi tape collection is getting a little out of hand. Anyone have some good projects for me to use it in?

 The shelves above my desk hold all my vintage craft-themed treasures.

I know it's a little cluttery, but I have it arranged just the way I like and it makes me so happy!

At least the inside of the desk (which is a lovely solid piece found for free on the street) is nice and neat.

My collection of (mostly) handmade plushies, and my bins of projects to finish. 

Bins of yarn in rainbow order!

Even the closet is totally organized! Etsy stuff, paper supplies, photography accessories, and packaging.

More progress has been made on re-folding my entire fabric stash to fit the new shelf it lives on. The old one was much deeper and thinner, so the shape of the fabric stacks was all wrong. Obviously I still have more to do here, but it's going very quickly.

And lastly, I used to have a little drawer unit with a fold-out top that held all my adhesives and cutting tools, but there wasn't a place for it in the new space so this back-of-the-door shoe holder stores all of it perfectly.

And there you have it! It's not a huge room but everything I needed fit just right. I've never had a dedicated creative space all my own, and I'm really excited to get to work and start doing craft fairs again!


  1. VERY COOL ROOM!!! Love how organized it is!! And I'm DYING to know what machine was found in the $5 desk!! Please share!!!

    Crafty Hugs,

  2. Anonymous3:53 PM

    What a beeeeeeeautiful craft room. I ADORE your wall of bits and bobs and pics. I have a similar thing above my desk but have been wanting to re-jig it for ages and you've inspired me!

  3. Oh my gosh!!! I love your room and everything in it...the artwork wall, the vintage tin collection and all your organization!! Love it all. I wish you could share a link on my Sew Darn Crafty Party this week. It started today. My readers will love this.

  4. How did I miss all these posts ?
    I guess it was the month i forgot to turn on my computer DUH!!!...allot going on
    glad i got to see it all now...
    great job!
    even when i saw it in person , i missed allot of it , so much to see, and all so fun...a little trip down memory lane today...thanks Chase !


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