Easter Round-Up

Easter has always been a special holiday for me. I'm not religious but rather I like to celebrate it as a welcoming of spring, and the simple ways we celebrate are such great symbols for the rebirth of the land. I'll be heading to a friend's house for a brunch of crepes and sweets in celebration of her pet bunnies' birthdays! I promise to myself and all my readers that I will NOT forget the camera!
Anywho, since Easter celebrations are usually so simple and sweet, you can wait till the last minute to start working on projects! I found two pages that have lists of links to all kinds of adorable Easter projects that take practically no time at all, or that you can do with friends and family on the holiday itself.

First, there's Brit + Co. with their list of 40 creative ways to dye Easter eggs. I still love dying eggs or making something funny with them every year, as evidenced here and here. If you think you're too old you are waaaay wrong, just try it and see how much fun you have! (Dip Dye eggs via Oh Joy!).

Then, there's a blog I recently discovered called Studio Sjoesjoe and their list of cute Easter things to make. I love these punched tin rabbits via Fellow Fellow. Check out both their blogs, there's tons of great stuff to enjoy!

Happy Easter!


  1. That is a great way to think of Easter! I love it! My husband and I aren't religious either. You're making me want to decorate in lots of eastery pastels (besides M&Ms LOL)!

  2. Hi Chase!
    I love celebrating the beggining of spring too. I am so excited about the flowers, birds and sunny days! Spring is my favorite season of the year.

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