
A little while ago I spent some time with my parents while they were on vacation, and we ended up going to Petaluma. It's such a wonderful little beach town and if you've never been I highly recommend it. We arrived in the late afternoon, so instead of dinner we headed straight to the Petaluma Pie Company and had the best little pies with the biggest scoops of homemade ice cream ever!

Then, as we wandered around the little downtown admiring all the shops and antiques, this yarn bombing out front of the bookstore caught my eye:

And finally, we went to a very popular place, the Seed Bank. I didn't have the right kind of camera lens with me to capture this business in all its grandeur, but basically it's a specialty seed and garden shop that is in a big, beautiful old building that used to be a bank. So clever and so wonderfully fun to shop in!

That same weekend I went to the last-ever Underground Market in San Francisco, and ate my heart out with some good friends. My favorite dish of the night was Thai tea ice cream with bobas and condensed milk on top:

Forage SF put on these wonderful events and they do so many cool classes all the time as they work toward opening a commercial kitchen coop space. Johnny has us signed up for the Cottage Law class this evening, which I am super excited about. California was one of the few states that didn't allow people to have their home kitchens certified for food production. In January all that changed, and now I want to learn about the process because I have so many friends who make wonderful jam and baked goods that I'd like to start a collective of sorts.
I'm having trouble coming up with a name however, and was wondering if anyone out there in the world wide web had any suggestions? All that we have to go on is that we're all female fiber artists (knitters/crocheters), and we will be selling preserves and baked goods. Big prize if someone creates a name we end up using lol!


  1. How about: The Homespun Collective, or Oakland Homespun Collective. Descriptive, to-the-point. I like the word collective too.


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