My new favorite hat!

I wanted to talk a little bit more about the hat you saw in my Tahoe post! I started this little beauty  in mid December and had it finished by the time new year's came around. Normally I'm not such a quick knitter, especially when I have to follow a pattern that has some substance, but I was on vacation and had little else but sit around in my parent's cozy house and knit. I found the pattern via Ravelry, and it's a free Debbie Stoller pattern called the All-Day Beret. A very apt title as I have been wearing this thing all the time, I absolutely love it and I didn't even bother to block it! It's made from an aran-weight yarn Johnny picked up for me from his local yarn shop in Campbell, a hand-painted Lorna's Laces superwash merino. So heavenly soft and nice to knit with!
The hat's pattern confused me a bit because I didn't realize you are working it with the wrong side facing you the whole time. It's technically reversible, but while I was knitting I thought I was doing something wrong. I just missed the little blurb about this at the top of the pattern haha. I'd say if you're new to reading more complicated patterns this is a great hat to start with.
Also, on a side note, I got a Blythe doll for Christmas and am planning on using some of the leftover yarn to make a mini version of this hat for her and I will post the pattern when I'm done!


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