All things sweet...

 As Valentine's Day approaches I've been getting a hankering to bake cute sweets and make nice things. I know a lot of people out there aren't really into V-Day, but I think it's a sweet holiday. The historical background is very romantic, and in modern times I see it as a nice way to spoil the person you love for no reason. Dennis and I usually keep it low-key and as of right now we don't even have any concrete plans but I know it will be a nice day all the same. I've been feeling kind of nostalgic lately, as I usually do during the first few months of a new year - I go through old stuff and get rid of things without sentimental value, and rediscover those items that do hold meaning in the process. I've been starting to post old pictures of me and my friends from high school on my Facebook account and everyone is loving it! That inspired me to pick up my scrapbooking endeavors:

I have two other two-page layouts of stuff Dennis and I have done that I will try to get photos of soon. This one is of Mom and Dad (obviously) from a fairly recent visit back home. I love these pictures; they're just being goofy and cute and I love that about them. I kept this page simple, with kraft mats for the photos and little brads that look like brass screw heads, and a vintage button card.

And that night our house guest, Aubrey, came home and we decided to have a girl's night since Dennis had gone out to play cards with the boys. We watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding and decided to try out the mini donut pan my mother gave me for my birthday. I always have stuff to bake with on hand so we whipped up the recipe on the package and I even managed a yummy strawberry-flavored icing for them. How freaking cute are these?!

And they were deeee-licious too! The recipe made 4 dozen little donuts, which was a lot, but we scarfed half of them that night and the other half were gone the next day. I definitely want to try different recipes, maybe an old fashioned sour cream cake one. This could be dangerous... And speaking of dangerous:

Our cat, Precious, was dangerously close to giving me a heart attack from cuteness today. She's so sweet and just rolls all over the place when she's happy. I can't get enough of this little old cat. Oh the cuteness! ^_^


  1. Your scrap book page is adorable! I've been meaning to start a similar project and might just have found my inspiration!

  2. Anonymous12:40 PM

    little dough-nut :) MMMMMM......


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