Spreading the love like butter!
I wanted to mention an awesome site I want to get the word out about. For the past few weeks a new member of the stitch 'n bitch meetup group I started (Which, by the way, is doing super-uber-awesome except for the fact that I can't find any sponsors... Next post I'll go into more detail maybe.) has been coming to hang out with us and the moment I met her I just thought, "Man, this girl is awesome!" Her name is Courtney and she's starting up a business giving private art lessons to kids.
Her website is www.artdelivery.info, and when you check it out, can you believe she built the website herself after one of those HTML crash courses?! It boggles my mind. Anywho, at the first meetup she came to she brought along bright colored felt, 3 Aranzi Aronzo books, and enough enthusiasm for all of us to gleam some extra. By the end of the night she had me and Jill making little business card holders out of shared supplies and having a ball. I can see why she's so good with kids, she's so enthusiastic and fun. So if anyone out there is looking for someone to come spend some artsy quality time with the kids, Courtney's the way to go. She's willing to go all over the bay area, and you can check out her website for more info.

Also, today I received a note from a lady who runs a blog called The Rikrak Studio. She wrote to let me know she mentioned me and my little etsy shop in a post because I was the first person who ever hearted her shop. The post is so sweet, and it seriously made me tear up when I was reading it at my work computer. It's so nice how people still appreciate small gestures like that. I remember how excited I was to get my first heart, given to me by Sarah of Hi How Are You? She has a cute blog and an etsy shop so go check it out!
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