The Sandwich Saga Part 2

The bread (that's my pesto-baked version above) is an awesome step towards making our home more eco- and budget-friendly, but there's so much more we can do. I was reading through all the blogs I like last weekend and when I was over at Chez-Sucre-Chez I fell in love with the reusable sandwich wraps she was making. I don't know where on earth she finds the lovely oil cloth she used for them, but man are they ever cute! Unfortunately, I can't afford to buy one (I really love the woodgrain one, darnit), so I decided to make my own since she was nice enough to provide the link to where she got the pattern from. 

It's by a woman named Vickie Howell, who's a knit/crochetwear and sewing designer. The ones from Chez are better than mine because she used that cute little Martha Stewart scalloped-edge rotary cutter. I want one so bad! The only one I could afford is the deckle-edge one when it was on clearance a while back, so I used good old fashioned pinking shears. Anywho, you can find the how-to here at Kiwi Magazine. I made mine from an oilcloth tablecloth (actually it's acrylic-coated, not real oil cloth as it tends to be manufactured using harsh chemicals) that I bought from Target a few years back, red thread, and vintage buttons from the stash. I made two, one for me and one for my roomie, but she apparently never brings sandwiches anywhere (she works at a cafe and gets free lunches), so I might put the second one up for sale in my etsy store.

I have a bunch of oil cloth left over, and some in other patterns as well, but I don't want to be a copycat and compete with Chez for the sandwich-wrap clientele so I've decided I want to make some reusable paper-sack-sized lunchbags to complement the sandwich wraps. I found a fun and easy pattern here from Martha Stewart (actually I have that old issue, but it's the same thing). So that's next on my list of things to do, continuing The Sandwich Saga.


  1. Valence Balance10:27 PM

    Nice Wrap. Reusable, bio-degradeable, cute, one questions though, does it pass the keep-the sandwich-fresh-until-lunch test?
    Sandwich looks tasty though. What was your sandwich recipe? I bet it was delicious with that bread.

  2. The sandwich was salami, Colby, and avocado on pesto bread, and the wrap worked like a dream! My avocado barely browned in there, and the bread stayed moist.


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