The Sandwich Saga Part One

I vow never to buy bread again! I bought the book that all the other bloggers have been raving about, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, and it really is as easy, fun, and frickin' amazing as everyone claims it to be. I've made bread the old fashioned way before and it was a big pain in the behind. But now I've successfully baked 4 loaves and I need to mix another big batch of dough, and it really takes no time at all. I made the basic dough recipe in the book thus far, and on a couple loaves I spread some pesto in the middle and rolled it up before I baked it and it was soooo good! Anywho, I'm really serious about not buying bread ever again, because for one, I'm super broke right now and baking it this way is a lot cheaper than buying it. And for two, it tastes so much better than the cheap, crappy bread I can usually afford to buy. Angela and I are trying to eat locally and sustainably (not to mention cheaply), so this is step one. Steps 2, 3, 4, and 5 have been photographed and I will post them soon!
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