My new bead store is going crazy with the sales! I'm having a hard time keeping up, having opened the store 5 days ago and already making nearly 30 sales. So I've developed a system to keep myself from going insane: I'm going to do listing, etc, on Etsy until 7:00 p.m. and then I have to get off the computer and package everything up for shipping the next day. That way it's more like a normal job, and I can "close up" the store at the end of the night and be done with it. I hope I resist the temptation to stay on the computer messing around until midnight, but I know it's for the best and it will give me more time to compose things, not to mention work on unfinished projects. Wish me luck. On another note, I was making my rounds at the local thrift stores and I was smitten with this little old recipe card tin. It's probably from the 50's or 60's, and a bit beat up, but I just couldn't help myself for 69 cents. So I got it home and was cle...