The Black Squirrel's Indiegogo Has Launched! We need your support now more than ever!

We're fully funded and the shop is open! Visit us at!

This is the concept drawing I created for The Black Squirrel. The shop is going to be amazing!

Hello friends! What a crazy year this has been! But finally, as of yesterday, my big dream has a chance of becoming a reality! We launched our Indiegogo campaign to fund the creation of a brick and mortar and online fabric, yarn, and craft supply boutique in Oakland, CA! We're off to a great start but we need lots of help getting the word out about it.

This is the concept drawing of my ideal storefront.

I built this campaign over the past year with practically no resources, except all my lovely crafty friends. Likewise, I have no money to put into advertising, but I'm not worried about that because the crafting community has always been such a tight knit and loving one! If you've been a follower of Oh the Cuteness and enjoyed our free patterns and DIYs then you'll be happy to know we're really upping our game for The Black Squirrel's blog. I've learned a lot from my decade of blogging on this site and if I can manage to open this new physical shop, I'll be able to devote so much more time to writing new patterns and creating lovely posts. It's going to open up a whole new world of possibilities for both the online and local crafting communities, which is the most important goal.

And this is my concept for the classroom space, a very important part of the shop.

So please, even if you can't contribute monetarily (though we have so many awesome prizes to choose from that I bet you'll want to once you have a look), please take a few minutes to share our campaign wherever you can! Turns out Indiegogo uses an algorithm to decide which campaigns get featured in their newsletter and on their main page by how popular the campaigns are across social media, and by how many visitors they get. So please post it to your Facebook, Twitter, Goole Plus, and Pinterest accounts as much as you can!


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