How-Tuesday #34

This is a fun one! Today I have for you, a list of great jelly shot ideas, 32 free bag patterns, and how to win at 5 old-school games. So get ready to sew, get goofy, and kick butt at rock-paper-scissors!

 The bag up above is absolutely fantastic, and there's 31 more linked in this nifty post. Check them out here.

This website has so many delicious-sounding ideas for fancy jelly shots. The one pictured above is made with St. Germaine, Champagne, and grapefruit juice. Check out all their ideas here.

And lastly, here's a goofy article on how to win (or get the upper hand in, at least), a few classic games like Monopoly and rock-paper-scissors. Have fun!


  1. Chasey, thanks for linking to all those bag ideas - I've been sniffing around for a simple project before I sew my dress together (I'm so gosh darn intimidated). Also, just so you know (and because Patrick thought I should tell you) however you linked your blog from FB (it opened with a "bloglovin" address/ frame that you could exit out of) did not permit commenting until one closed that frame and was on your actual blog. Does that make sense?

  2. Anonymous8:32 AM

    love these bags and the fun game ideas too thanks! :)


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