We Have A Winner!

Alrighty, it's time to see who wins a custom owl pincushion in celebration of my 5th Blogiversary! The random number generator has selected number 2 , which means that nadiwoo is the winner! I'll send you an e-mail and we will get the ball rolling for your little owl.

In other news, I got to visit Renegade Craft Fair this past Sunday out at Fort Mason in San Francisco. In all the years that I have lived up here I have consistently missed every Renegade and Bizarre Bazaar, but this year I finally got to go out to one with a few friends from the S&B group. We all had a great time shopping around and I picked up about a bazillion business cards along with a few choice goodies.

I recently purchased a new camera (yes, besides the Diana Mini), a Canon Rebel XS, which is awesome beyond words. My old Olympus FE-300 has not been doing so well lately, and I have noticed a decline in the sharpness and color of the photos it takes, so I thought it was time. I took it with me to the fair but I find that I am more shy about taking photos with it than my old camera, probably because of the size. I always ask people if I can take pictures, of course, and I love doing so because it usually gives me a chance to have a conversation with them, tell them about my blog, etc. But at Renegade I only got up the courage to ask one person, but I was so captivated by her booth no nerves could stop me:

Tinted Mint is a sweet little company started by Patty, who is just as lovely as the products she sells. You have to go over to her website and check out all her supplies she carries, as well as the beautiful things she makes from them. I want to buy absolutely every piece of waxed paper and washi tape she has, and make them into envelopes like she does. Thank you Patty for letting me photograph your booth!

There were tons and tons of other cool vendors there, and some of my particular favorites included The Postage Service, Rar Rar Press, and craftyFOLK, and a million others. I hope that I will get a chance to sell out there some day, it looks like a great time!


  1. So I have been a lurking reader for a while but never really commented for some reason! Just wanted to say that I really like the new layout- your background image is super cute!

  2. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Just discovered your blog! It's great, love your style and I can't wait to start a produce bag and baskets for my nappy change table. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Nice and thanks!


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