
I also finished blocking this sweet little crocheted clutch. I finished it quite a while ago but I was worried it would stay all curled up and wonky because I wove it so tight. But blocking it did the trick and it came out better and more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. I used a soy/wool blend yarn from Pattons, and I had 3 different colored half-balls left over from my amigurumi easter eggs. I noticed that they all had some colors in common, browns mostly, so I combined what was left in this nice little purse. The progression of colors reminds me of a sunset/sunrise. I decided to leave it unlined to show off more of the stitchwork that I put so much time into. The yarn is able to felt like regular wool but I decided against felting the purse because it's such a nice size right now and I would loose all those pretty stitches. This one's also going on etsy on thursday.

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