Sneakie Peakie

In the past few weeks I've been gearing up to restock my etsy stores. I've been making a bunch of new neckwarmers, wristwarmers, owl pincushions, and the like. I've also been finishing a bunch of special projects, so I thought I'd tempt you with a sneak peak of what's in my sewing machine tonight: You'll be able to see it finished soon enough! And, just for fun, look what I did to my shoes by accident at work!
I was learning how to paint yarn and went a little nuts, but I'm declaring it a happy accident because I really like the way it looks. Mybe a line of handpainted shoes? Hmm... Reminds me of my favorite Freudian slip I spat out not too long ago: "There's a madness to my method." How fitting is that for me?


  1. what a cool accident!!

  2. lol thanks! You should see them now that I've got even more dye on them!


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