So Wipped...

I've got a lot of works in progress right now, so I thought I'd let everyone see my crazy projects. Here's number one: a granny square blanket. Seems simple, right? But I can never seem to do anything the easy way, can I?
I was sitting around making some swatches of a new yarn for the ArtFibers store and I wanted to make a granny square with it. I found out through Adorn magazine that PurlSoho has a blog site, and I found a granny square tutorial on it. But the thing that really caught my attention was this picture:I got the idea to do a bunch of different sized grannies out of all of my different pink, yellow,orange,and red yarns and then stitch them all together into an uber-girly and comfy blanket. Progress is going faster than expected:I'm super excited to get it all done, but it's bound to be awhile. I'm making 1 big, 1 medium, and 2 small squares from each kind of yarn, and the yarns are all different weights. I've been sitting around listening to the Feist song "1234" and the Big Night soundtrack, plus a little Amy Winehouse while I make the grannies and it's a truly good time.

Oh, by the way, there's a big sale over at going on right now (I already snagged some goodies!), so get over there quick before all the adorable Japanese fabric is all gone!



  1. Loved looking at all your handmade bags. Very zakka. Very cute.

    kawaii crafter


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