
I've finished the little wristlet purse I've been working on lately, and it came out great! This was the object of the sneak peak picture a couple of posts ago when you got to see the lining pinned on before sewing. This is one of the more complicated purses I've made because it has pleats on both sides and in the lining. I'm not a pleat master yet, but I love the look of them so I'm practicing. I'm hoping to make a few more of these purses from different fabrics, maybe something a bit bold on the outside and plain on the inside. This will be listed in my etsy store on thursday morning, which as far as I know will be the start of my part-time schedule at work.

I also finished blocking this sweet little crocheted clutch. I finished it quite a while ago but I was worried it would stay all curled up and wonky because I wove it so tight. But blocking it did the trick and it came out better and more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. I used a soy/wool blend yarn from Pattons, and I had 3 different colored half-balls left over from my amigurumi easter eggs. I noticed that they all had some colors in common, browns mostly, so I combined what was left in this nice little purse. The progression of colors reminds me of a sunset/sunrise. I decided to leave it unlined to show off more of the stitchwork that I put so much time into. The yarn is able to felt like regular wool but I decided against felting the purse because it's such a nice size right now and I would loose all those pretty stitches. This one's also going on etsy on thursday.


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