First of all, this is my 100th post which is some sort of milestone, so yay! And secondly, I've got another tutorial for a parasol light fixture to share! Today Michael and I were working on getting some light fixtures put up, which has been on my to-do list for a rediculously long time now. Endless gratitude for Michael making me get my butt in gear! So he helped me hang this nifty lotus flower-shaped lamp from Ikea over my sewing table. (I've always wanted one!) I finally have enough light to see what I'm doing, so maybe I'll actually start making things again! So anywho, on to the tutroial... Remember my idea for turning a parasol into a light fixture? Well with Michael's help I finally did it! We had a lot of technical issues to work out, so hopefully if anyone out there wants to make one this tutorial should save you a lot of time. As far as materials, you only need a hacksaw, a parasol, and some wire. Start by cutting the handle off of the paraso...
Awww... he's adorable! and guess what, we got a kitten for our family back in april from a friend of mine who rides my bus... (Im in highschool :P ) they look a ton alike... my brothers named him Twilight and hes such a spaz, but he loves almost everything. Just thought id comment, it was like seeing my own kitten :D