Etsy Update Update

Hi everyone! Sorry, but the etsy store hasn't got the new items in yet. It was silly of me to think that I could get anything done today since it's my 4 year anniversary with my dear boyfriend Michael. So we just ended up goofing off together today. He got me chocolates from my favorite fancy chocolate shop in San Francisco called Cocoa Bella, and I got him... A kitten! Okay, so I guess I got us a kitten. His name's Kyoto and he's the cutest little spaz in the entire world, and we love him very much. I'm sure there will be a lot more adorable kitten pictures on here when I have nothing interesting to write about. But anywho, as far as the etsy store goes, looks like it's either going to be tomorrow after work or saturday.


  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Awww... he's adorable! and guess what, we got a kitten for our family back in april from a friend of mine who rides my bus... (Im in highschool :P ) they look a ton alike... my brothers named him Twilight and hes such a spaz, but he loves almost everything. Just thought id comment, it was like seeing my own kitten :D


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