
Showing posts from October, 2009

Best. Pickles. Ever. Period.

So right before it got too cold for the tomatoes to ripen I pulled all the green ones off the plant and made green tomato pickles. I had an idea in my head of how I wanted them to taste but I just couldn't seem to find a very good recipe anywhere on the net, so I just made it up as I went along. First, I made my own pickling spice blend. I have an extensive spice rack and I wanted to do a flavorful, spicy mix, and in a large batch so I would have some left over for another batch of pickles. Maybe pickled eggs? I dunno... Anywho, here's my pickling spice recipe. It makes enough for 2-3 small batches (about 5-6 little jars) or one really big one. Pickling Spice Blend 2 tbsp dried dill 1 1/2 tbsp dried whole coriander 1/2 tbsp dried whole fennel seed 1/2 tbsp dried tarragon 1 tbsp dried whole cumin seed 1/2 tbsp dried thyme 1/2 tbsp dried oregano 1/2 tbsp dried crushed red chilies Put everything together in a mason jar and shake it up! You can double or triple this recipe if you w

Life is too short.

Warning: extreme downer content. Please ignore this rant if you want to. I found out last Thursday that my ex-boyfriend Michael passed away. I'm going through pictures of mine to send to his parents... I wish I could say I'm sorry to him one more time, even though I said it for three years straight before I gave up trying anymore to win back his trust and friendship. He could hold a grudge like no one else I ever knew, though it was well deserved in my case. Even though we weren't speaking anymore I will still miss him very much, he was a big part of my life at a time when my growing pains tore us apart. He taught me that every day is a gift, and we need to fill each one with as much as we possibly can. You never know when it will be too late to start living. The fact that he knew his time was short and yet he spent so many of his days with me makes me truly grateful, no matter how hard it was to be with him. He was diagnosed with type one diabetes when he was about two yea