Finished things yay!

Over my many years of blogging I've noticed something about myself: I'm pretty bad at posting photos of little individual finished craft projects, especially if they're gifts for people. Big projects or large batches of things sure, but tiny things seem to fall through the cracks. I can think of at least a dozen really cute things I've given as gifts that I never snapped a photo of, plus all my old collages I sold never got photographed. But I've found a tool to help me! Good old Instagram, you may be the solution I've been needing for years. I find that now I snap a quick pic and post it every time I finish something small which is awesome! I'd like to start posting them here with more descriptions than I include on Instagram. If you prefer seeing them without the longer post, you can either follow my Tumblr, or of course my Instagram (@ohthecuteness), which includes all my non-crafty photos as well. Anywho, on to the first bunch of goodies:

Two sweet little pieces of baby clothes for a baby who's not here yet! I bought the cardigan at Target and the star onesie at Baby Gap and decided to applique' some little felt decorations onto them to make them more personal since I had to keep it gender neutral. I love the way they turned out and hope the baby will enjoy them someday soon!


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