Fancy Friday #7

Happy Fancy Friday! I had so much fun putting together this look! It's part flapper, part hipster, part librarian, and part Zooey Deschanel. I tried to do a lot of color play in every element.

For the makeup I fell in love with this look and was able to recreate it very well, though I realized afterwards that my new bangs (Thanks Sissy!) kind of obscure the look haha. There's pink on the lids and taupe in the creases from my Revlon pre-matched set and the blue highlight is Sephora shadow. For the lips I layered orange lip stain underneath a lipstick called "Rich Girl Red". (There's a really cool edit of this photo on my flickr here.) The orange on my lips picks up the orange on my little Son of a Sailor necklace, and the pink eyeshadow compliments the lucite flapper beads and beaded headband. There's also my locket with a pink chrysanthemum cabochon and blue jade bauble.

I love love love this hairstyle! It looks fancy but took about 5 minutes to do, so I will be using this technique more often. I had trouble getting the headband to stay so I had to use butterfly clips, but after that I just twisted and tucked sections of hair into the headband, working from front to back. A little hairspray and it's good to go. This look is also great as a half-updo like this.

 The lighting was a little off for most of the shoot, so this is the only full-body one that came out! I don't mind though because this little outfit was so fun I think it's a perfect fit! The dress is from Target (On clearance for $6!), tights are from H&M. My favorite belt is from Urban Outfitters ($4!), and the shoes are Chelsea Crew. I lurve me some Chelsea Crew.

Picked up these sweet hipster sunglasses at Icing, which is also where the headband came from. They have so many cute bows right now and I barely got out without one!

 Oh, and did I mention the dress has pockets! Woot!

I got the little scissor bracelet at the fair this past weekend and Johnny gave me the measuring tape one, and I made the lacelet. We shot these in front of my collection of craft books!

Oh, is that a cameo of the craft book I wrote a couple patterns for? How'd that get there lol. Feeling great and hoping for big things on the horizon!


  1. Ugh I really did want to do this but man I can't get it together lately. Plus I have like 3 1/2 outfits so it would get old quick. You look lovely though! How did you do your hair?

  2. Hehe Leslie you don't have to do quite such a large scale thing like I am! I know you're interested in doing your hair a little more and you can totally just do hairstyles for FF! Here's the link to the tutorial I found for the hair:
    It seriously takes 5 minutes to do and is super cute no? You know, I started this FF project just to learn more techniques that I could incorporate into my everyday routine and it's working! I throw on a natural lip stain almost every day now because my lips are so darn pale all the time and it makes a world of difference. And I've been doing little things to my hair like this more during the week and I think it would be awesome for you get to do just your hair for fun!

  3. your hair looks really good like that ...can't believe it only took 5 min.
    also love the make-up...
    your really getting good at that :)

    ... dress looks really comfy...

  4. oh and I forgot those bracelets are sweet !


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