Poopy Day

I've been kind of down today. My sister flew out yesterday and I miss her already. It was so nice to have her and my parents here together for a while, guess I'm just lonely. I feel better now that Michael's home, though. He's in the kitchen making me a snow cone, what a guy! I got up thismorning and tried to work on some sewing projects I want done by tomorrow, but I wasn't in much of a mood for crafting so they're not finished. Maybe after the snow cone I'll try making some felt bunnies for the Easter baskets I'm working on for the store. At least the night before last I was totally in the zone and I made this cute little makeup bag:
Not bad for my first try. I didn't use a pattern and I had to read up on the proper way to sew on the zipper. It came out taller than I was expecting, but I know where I messed up my math and hopefully the next one will be more like what I envisioned. Hopefully I'll have some cute Easter goodies for the store by tomorrow morning if I can get out of this funky mood in time. Wish me luck!


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