Inspired Handbags...

My parents and sister came up to visit this past weekend. It was so nice to see them all and celebrate my dad's upcoming birthday. My sister brought up my belated Christmas gift, and it was most certainly worth the wait:

She picked up sewing not too long ago and this is one of the first handbags she's ever sewn! Ho-ly-crap! I love it so very very much. I hardly ever get to see sis, and the fact that she somehow knew I've been obsessed with a red/white color pallete lately just shows how awesome she is! Best big sister ever! I love the little details; the pleats, buttons, lining, and those too-adorable handles. This is my new favorite purse.
Speaking of awesome handbags by new sewers, my friend Jill has been working on a couple super-duper cute ones over at The Curious Bee as well. I adore the green flowery one! 
So, amidst all this handbag inspiration flying at me, I created my own sweet little number one sleepless night this week:

I was out and about looking to buy a cold-heat soldering iron (more on that later) and I ended up in a Beverly's in Alameda, which I didn't even know existed before last weekend. I don't know if I mentioned this, but I made a new year's resolution to not but any new (new-to-me is still allowed) fabric or yarn without having a project in mind to use it for. My stash has become very well filled out as of late so I figured this would help me stop stashing and start using. I've also been trying to start and finish projects in a more timely manner. I made this bag all in one go and was up till 3 in the morning, but it turned out better than I expected. I found the yellow fabric at Beverly's and I had the red dot one in my stash, as well as all the trimmings. The little brooch on the front is removable for easy washing. And I even put a tag inside above the little 2-part pocket. I got some ribbon printed a long time ago and I just recently decided to cut it all up and use it as tags.
I love this bag and I don't really want to sell it, but I know I'm going to use sissy's bag all this summer so I wouldn't want it to be hiding in my room. So I'm putting it up in my etsy store very shortly, along with some new scarves, owls, and a suprise which I will do a post about very soon.


  1. holy shit...i think i spooged over those bags, wait...yep i did. *blush*

  2. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Just a spontaneous comment. There's nothing wrong with cuteness, and as the rather hard man I really am, I'm not ashamed to tell you that I very much appreciate this value myself.

    - Yours,
    Peter Ingestad, Sweden

  3. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

    - David


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