One down, a million to go...

Another project is done and crossed off the massive to-do list! And even better, this one didn't sit around in pieces for a year and a half! I found this amazing fabric over at Superbuzzy. I was a bad girl and I went on there when I saw they were having some things on clearance. I had a cart full of stuff picked out but in the end I narrowed it down to this one amazing mushroom print. It's very light weight cotton 2-layer gauze and it was on sale for 30% off. I bought three yards knowing I had to make at least one skirt and a billion other little things from it. So here is the finished skirt, and guess what? It's the first piece of non-costume clothing I have ever made!

To make it, I cut 1 1/2 yards of the mushroom fabric and the super soft blue gingham I used for the lining, trimmed it to the length I wanted and hemmed the bottom edge. I used a basting stitch to lightly gather the fabric at the waist until it fit me right, then I covered it with a light pink vintage seam binding I found in an antique store in Alameda. I added some big cotton eyelet trim to the bottom and a pink zipper in the back. It fit a little boxy so I added some angled darts at the waist and now it fits just right. It's super comfy because instead of doing a ton of bulky roll-over hems to keep the edges from fraying I just zigzag stitched over the top of everything. If you look closely at the seams in person it looks a little messy around the zipper because of it, but it's so much more comfortable so I don't care.

When I was at that antique store in Alameda I also picked up this amazing piece of mushroomie goodness for only ten dollars! It's just a small quilt someone made a long time ago from one big piece of that awesome mushroom fabric lined with an olive green silky fabric and quilted with red and white knots. I love it so much, even though the colors don't match anything in my room! I may put it out in the living room because we have a bunch of red and green accents, but I'm afraid Kyoto will claw it to death. Anywho, if anyone wants to go rummage through this place, it's called Pauline's Antiques and it's on Park St. in Alameda. It's a jumble in there but patience and persistance pays off when you're out for treasures!


  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I want your craft powerz. - Kay


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