I do still make things, I swear!

So I was looking over my blog, cleaning up links, etc, and I realized I haven't really posted anything I've made since my little lunchbag . I made tons of Christmas presents but didn't snap any photos of them, probably due to my need to get them done and wrapped at the last minute, as always. And I've been crocheting a lot since I moved into my new place, but lots of the projects need little finishing touches before I'd feel proud to put them on my blog. In the works I have 2 scarves, 2 hats, and an amigurumi sheep. I've got pieces of fabric cut out and ready to be made into something, but I haven't sewn since we got here. I think part of the problem was the lighting; my sewing table is on the opposite side of the room from the overhead light. But that was remedied as of yesterday. I also know that my machine is in serious need of some maintenance, but I lack sufficient funds for it at this moment in time. Excuses, excuses, I know. Anywho, I'm posting ...