More Manly Knits. Lovely earth-toned wool yarns are steadily being knit into fashionable accessories for my man!

A big shipment of yarn arrived at our house! Johnny has been picking out patterns from Ravelry and, with a little help from me, has been buying the loveliest yarns to go with them! Above is a leftover Rowan skein from his cowl (Which is finished, photos coming in a few days!), that will be turned into a toddler version of the same pattern and put in the hope chest. The two dark Patons skeins are for the socks below, and he got me the minty one on the bottom just because he likes me. I'm thinking about a slouchy folded-brim hat with a big pom pom on the end, anyone know of any good patterns?

In the mean time, here's my list of things to do:

I've actually already started on the hat. I love this stitch pattern and would adore a sweater made of it! The yarn, like his cowl's yarn, is Rowan, but a lighter version called Creative Focus Worsted, with the opposite coloration. I cast on and am going to seam the hat in the yarn used for his cowl so he can wear them as a matched set! Also, we're kind of nerding out about how his cowl was called "The Hemingway" and now his hat is called "The Emerson"! And now on to Java and Beer... Quelle coincidence!


  1. What is the name of the stitch you used for the beanie?

    1. It's called the "double rice stitch". Totally easy to do and I love it!


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