RAC Holiday Fair Recap!

I'm happy to announce that the RAC's annual Holiday Arts Festival was a complete success! I've done this fair for 4 years now so it's quite the tradition for me, and if you'd like to see my posts for the last few years here's 2009, 2010, and 2011. This year was the first time I've had a booth all to myself and I was a little nervous, but since I know lots of the other regular vendors and staff members it was just as easy-going as any other year. And this fair was extra special for a few reasons.

Firstly, I decided to make tons of fascinators and center my booth around them since they sold so well last year. I was worried that with the fair being only one day this year instead of two that I wouldn't sell as many, but it was great! 

Also, I was incredibly happy with how my booth display came out, and you'd never know it from the look of it, but it's made entirely out of oatmeal and baby formula containers from the local artist's reuse shop and some boxes, all held together with masking tape! 

But by far, the best thing about this fair was having Johnny there with me. He's been so supportive to me and my business, and we have a great time together. The fair was 1960's (Mad Men style) themed this year and the vendors were encouraged to dress up, and look at how stinkin' cute we are! I love a man who can rock a bow tie!

I've got a friend who wants to do some editorial-style photos of my fascinators for her wedding photography business, and after that's done I'll list what's left on etsy! Many thanks to everyone at the RAC for having me back again this year, and I can't wait for the next one! Also, yes, these are mostly Instagram photos, which means I've finally hopped on that particular bandwagon! You can follow me @ohthecuteness!


  1. You two look too cute! The outfits are perfect. I just love that dress!!! I just finished season 4 last night and for a person who NEVER watches TV...I am hooked.

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    LOOKING GOOD !!! THE SALE LOOKS LIKE A GREAT SUCCESS ...happy you found someone like you :) it's all good !


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