
Oh my, the craft fair this year was such a rousing success that I am still on cloud nine about it! Jill, Sylvia, and I got a great booth nestled in a corner and they (I say "they" because I had to work and didn't get to help with the initial setup) did a sweet little art-installation-like setup, and lots of people that came by said it was the cutest booth there! Everyone was so nice, and we got to meet a lot of the staff of the Richmond Art Center which was great too. I sold most all of what I brought, with just enough left for me and my family, and I got to trade with Jill, Sylvia, and a couple fantastic ceramic artists. Almost every other booth at the fair was either ceramic art or jewelry, so we stood out pretty well, which surely helped or sales. Here's some pics of the grand affair:

These are Sylvia's handy work:

And these are Jill's:

And isn't it cute how all of our different styles mesh together so seamlessly? Bags, pillows, zip pouches, and brooches from Sylvia; aprons, brooches, coffee cozies, coasters, and sachets from Jill; and ornaments, owls, mushrooms, wedding cake toppers, and baby bibs from me; all coexisting in a riot of cuteness on one table:

I got swept up in the Christmas rush over at the toy store, which amounted to six days a week, 9-10 hours a day for a little while there, hence my absence. It left me absolutely no time to do any Christmas crafting of my own: no handmade gifts, no home-baked Christmas goodies, no decorations, not even a tree. I still can't believe how fast the whole month flew by. Angela and I tied chocolate ornaments to our bamboo plant in lieu of a tree, which will prove tasty in the coming days. I hope I will manage my time better next year, I really missed the smell of the pine tree in the house and the warm glow of the lights at night. But I was too busy to dwell on it, and that suited me just fine. I got a whopping four days off to spend at my parent's house afterwards and it was a lovely holiday. I hope everyone else had a very merry Christmas as well!


  1. some of the cutest stuff Ive ever seen

  2. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Awww! Your mushrooms came out cute!


  3. Ah, so much cuteness concentrated into one post! I just love your work, everything pictured here is so adorable. I wish I could have attended this craft fair! :)


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