I won again!

I've been pretty lucky lately, first winning the plushie from Heidi Kenney, and I just found out I've won another blog contest I entered! This time I've won a set of three pop-up poster prints from one of my favorite paper artists, Jurianne Matter

The concept of these is what I fell in love with (not to mention the beautiful designs). Each print comes with a few different colored backings that show through when you fold all the little pop-up cutaways out. I can't wait to get these and frame them, I just need to decide where they will go!

Also, I wanted to let you all know that I've got a very exciting tutorial that's all typed up and scheduled to post in a few days. It's a complete photo tutorial on how to make a simple quilt! I hope you will all stop by and give it a try if you've never quilted anything before!


  1. woohoo! those are great! Also- excited to see your next tutorial, I'm sitting down today to work on my first project on my new-to-me sewing machine....curtains! A quilt is calling to me though :o)

  2. Oh my gosh, it is so impossible to find a tutorial for a simple, basic quilt. I can't wait to see it!


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