You would not believe how hard it is to find leather bands in stores. I need some if I want to make the purse I put in the last post. I remember when there was plenty of it in the trim section of the fabric store, heck, even Wal Mart carried it. I found some in black at Joann's but I needed brown. I tried a bunch of places and eventually broke down and bought some small yardages of vinyl, but I wish I could find real leather in 1/2 inch to 1 inch strips. If anyone out there has an idea of where I can buy some please let me know. Anywho, I've been a button making maniac lately because a friend gave me scraps of the most wonderful vintage fabric that was too small to make anything but covered buttons with. I've made a bunch of different sizes and put them on bobby pins and barrettes, and I'm selling some by themselves on cards too. Oh, and I sold Gertrude! She's going to a lovely new home, with a new owner. She has an etsy shop, Her stuff is really cute, check it out!


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