Braaains... And Turkey.

Thanksgiving was a hoot at our house this year! We had a bunch of the orphans over (people with family out of the area), and we had a great time pigging out, laughing, and playing my favorite boardgame, Zombies! We had seven people all together; me, Dennis, my co-worker Aubrey and her boyfriend Mark, and Carolyn, Alex, and her husband Patrick, my friends from Stitch & Bitch.

There was so much food that every surface in the kitchen, including the stove, was covered with serving dishes and we still had to put a bunch of dishes out on the table! And what's even better is that everything was absolutely delicious! And our epic game of zombies went on forever, with Carolyn finally being the victor!

And I got some lovely hostess gifts. Carolyn brought some amazing fuchsia roses and Alex got me an organic cookbook that contained the recipe for her favorite soup, which she brought to share with all of us. And look at that packaging, are you friggin kidding me?!

In other news the craft fair was a complete success. I will post pictures and info for everyone soon, and I have a special tutorial coming up, but in the mean time check out my friend Vanessa and her blog, We Have Not Met, where she has posted her amazing photos of the event. Thanks Vanessa!


  1. Yay! I survived the zombie apocalypse!

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    looks yummy ...and fun...


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